If you would like to join the Club
You have to be a member of the Royal British Legion first.
You can do this online by clicking here.
You can call them on 0800 3077 773
the phone lines are open 8am – 8pm 7 days a week, excluding Christmas Day & Boxing Day.
In both cases, tell them you want to join the Romford Branch.
You will receive a membership card similar to the one below.
Complete a Club application form available from the doorperson or bar
leave behind the bar in an envelope, (they are available from the bar,)
with your card and fee, cash or cheque,
cheques should be made payable to Royal British Legion Club Romford.
You card will be available to collect after a few days, and you will receive a fob to gain
entry to the Club, and the car park (during Club opening hours,) if you have paid for it.
Details of the fees payable are shown below.